Monthly Archives: March 2013

Wraparound services and age limitations for nonminor dependents

Q: I am a probation officer working with a youth who will soon need to exit his group home placement due to the group home restrictions in AB 12. Can Wraparound Services be utilized for this Non-Minor Dependent, to assist in his transition to a placement with a lower-level of care?

A: Yes, the Wraparound process may continue to be accessed at any time until reaching the maximum age of extended foster care. To be eligible, the NMDs must continue to meet one of the five participation criteria and be at risk of placement in a group home at a rate classification level of 10 or higher, or they currently placed in a group home and will be transitioned to a lower level of care within the next three months, as in the case you describe.

For a list of counties that offer Wraparound Services, follow this LINK . For a list of Wraparound Service coordinators by county, follow this LINK.  For more information about Wraparound Services, follow this LINK.

(All County Letter 11-77, Page 12)

Eligibility determination for youth re-entering foster care

Q: : I am working with a young woman who would like to re-enter foster care. She is living temporarily with a family friend, who works full-time and does not have any financial need. Will the financial circumstances of the household where she is living count against the young woman in her effort to re-enter foster care? 

A: No, it will not. A youth who wants to voluntarily re-enter foster care after turning age 18 following dismissal of dependency is considered to be entering a new foster care episode and therefore requires a new eligibility determination. This determination will be made solely on the youth’s assets and income, and will not be affected in any way by the income and assets of the household where she is currently living. 

(All County Letter 13-10)

Extended foster care: nonminor dependent placement options

Q: I just turned 18 and am participating in extended foster care; do I have to remain in the same foster care placement?

A: No, a non-minor dependent (NMD) does not have to remain in the same foster care placement after age 18; although, they are certainly permitted to continue living in the same placement, if appropriate. NOTE: There are limitations on a NMD remaining in a group home placement beyond the time he/she finishes high school or an equivalent or turns 19, whichever occurs first.

As NMDs are adults, it is expected that NMDs will be provided placements that are the least restrictive and encourage as much independence as possible, based on the NMDs’ developmental needs and readiness for independence. The decision regarding whether to continue the current placement or move to a new placement should be a collaborative decision between the NMD and his/her caseworker. If the NMD wants to move into a SILP, there must be an assessment of the NMD’s readiness to live in that particular setting as part of the decision making process. (Reference: Welf. & Inst. Code § 16501.1 (c)(1); All County Letter 11-77)

Kin-GAP benefit payments cannot go directly to youth

Q: I am 19 years old, living with my grandmother who is my guardian and receiving Kin-GAP benefits. Can I move into an apartment on my own? If yes, is it possible for me to receive the payment directly?

A: Yes, you can move into an apartment on your own, however you cannot receive the payments directly. A non-minor over the age of 18 who is eligible for extended Kin-GAP benefits does not have to continue to reside in their relative guardian’s home to continue to receive Kin-GAP beyond the age of 18, as long as the guardian continues to care and support the non-minor.

The non-minor can move into his or her own apartment or into some other housing situation (like a dorm) and the guardian can continue to receive the Kin-GAP benefits to help support the youth. This is not considered a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) and the non-minor does not have to be approved to live in this type of setting since a youth who receives extended Kin-GAP benefits is no longer in foster care and is thus no longer in placement.

Kin-GAP payments are paid to the relative guardian; the non-minor can never receive the Kin-GAP payments directly. Additionally, the guardian is responsible for requesting the continuation of Kin-GAP benefits after the age of 18 and for providing documentation to the county welfare agency that the youth is meeting one of five participation requirements.

(Reference: All County Letter 11-86, Welf. & Inst. Code §366.3, 11364(b) & 11387(b) & (c)).